The Illinois Flat Land British Car Club is a multi-marque all British car club located in Central Illinois and founded in 2005. The club is open to all interested parties that enjoy activities with fellow car owners. Members meet monthly for a Natter-n-Noggin gathering to enjoy dinner and discussion. Come Join Us, Today!

The club is a chapter member of the North American MGB Registry (NAMGBR), and the North American MGA Registry (NAMGAR), nation wide organizations of chapter clubs throughout the United States and Canada.

While we are affiliated with these national organizations, our members comprise all makes and marques of British cars. All British car marques, Triumph, Mini, Jaguar, etc are invited to join us.
IFLBCC Member Events and Activities
Members organize various monthly activities for everyone to enjoy and you are invited to join us for events such as car shows, cruise events, and picnics. Click the graphic to the left for the current month’s events. Membership for the club is FREE and all that’s needed is a general desire to have fun with other British car owners (running car optional). Many of our members enjoy the club camaraderie without the trials and tribulations over British car ownership.
Our club sponsors the Champagne British Car Festival every year in early June. The event is currently being held at David Davis Mansion in Bloomington, IL after 18 yrs in the Champaign-Urbana area. It attracts approximately 150 British cars from all areas of Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin, Missouri and Iowa. Activities during the 3-Day festival include the Welcome Reception, Drives, Dinner Banquet & Speaker, as well as visits to local historic areas, museums and of course the All-British Car Show!
The CBCF receives significant financial and social media support from the Bloomington-Normal Area Convention and Visitors Bureau each year. Our Festival wouldn’t be the same without them.