Monthly Archives: March 2020
CBCF 2020 Featured marque announced – all triumphs

Early registration (before May 26, 2020) is just $25.00 for the first vehicle and $20.00 per additional vehicle!
Late Registration (including day of the event) is $30.00 and $25.00 per additional vehicle.
Additional Details can be found at these links:
CBCF 2020 – Friday Night Welcome Reception
Start your Champagne British Car Festival weekend by joining us Friday evening, May 29, 2020 for the CBCF Welcome Reception, sponsored by the Illinois Flat Land British Car Club.
Our reception is an informal Meet & Greet with fellow British car owners at the Host Hotel – Double Tree Hotel and Conference Center.
The reception will be held from 5:00pm to 9:00pm on the interior patio area of the Double Tree Conference Center.
We hope you’ll enjoy the complimentary appetizers provided by the IFLBCC. A cash bar with a wide variety of beverage options will be available.
If you’re already registered for Sunday’s show, you may pick up your Welcome Packets at the reception.
Don’t miss this wonderful opportunity to meet fellow British car enthusiasts, hang out and check out each other’s cars!
Not registered yet!? Click here . . . http://www.CBCF-Bloomington.com

March natter ‘n noggin
Join your fellow IFLBCC friends for our monthly Natter ‘n Noggin.

March’s meeting will be on Tuesday, March 10th at Jack’s Cafe’ of LeRoy around 5:30 PM with dinner at 6:00 PM.
Address: Jack’s Cafe’ 210 Sunset Dr., LeRoy, IL 61752 Click For Directions.
Phone: (309) 962-8000
CRUISE: For those of you heading to Jack’s from the west, join us for a group drive along US 150. We’ll be meeting up at the Bloomington Freedom Oil gas station at the corner of Towanda-Barnes Rd. and 150. Departure time is approximately 5:15pm.
RSVP – You can reply to this email or click “Going” on our Facebook Event
Hope to see you on the 10th!

CBCF Registration is NOW OPEN! – Click Here