It’s probably hard to imagine that the Champagne British Car Festival is only THREE months away! The March 7th meeting was our SECOND “working session” and was critical in assigning sub-committee leaders and helpers in key roles. Major decisions were made concerning sponsorships, insurance, voting and drives.
For 2023 we will continue the full 3-Day Festival experience and have already planned out a tentative schedule, venues, vendors and many of the details. Registration for CBCF opened on Feb. 15 and we’re well on our way to a successful 2023 event. You can get an early preview of what’s to come by visiting
What we need NOW is help with executing these plans! That’s where YOU come in. We will need additional Illinois Flat Land Car Club members to help during the weekend during the drive, evening events and the Sunday car show. These functions do not require a large commitment of time or effort. Want to help? Contact us at [email protected]
The next CBCF Planning Meeting is scheduled for April 4th
The Champagne British Car Festival (CBCF) is just around the corner, June 2-4, 2023 in Bloomington, Illinois. This is the 32nd anniversary of the Festival and you can expect an amazing weekend of British car activities. This all-British car show features over 125 brilliant British cars and motorcycles.
In 1923 Cecil Kimber, the Founder of MG Cars, designed, built, advertised and sold his first MG sports cars. To celebrate this 100th Anniversary, CBCF announced that MG will be the featured marque at this year’s car show on June 4, 2023.
Friday June 2, 2023: Registered entrants “Start Your Engines” and your Festival weekend by joining us Friday evening, June 2nd for a Welcome Reception, sponsored by the Illinois Flat Land British Car Club (IFLBCC). This informal Meet & Greet with fellow British car enthusiasts will be held from 5:00pm to 9:00pm. If you’re already registered for Sunday’s show, you may pick up your Welcome Packets at the reception.
Saturday June 3, 2023: The fun continues Saturday morning, June 3, with a self-guided rally to Historic Pontiac, IL where the city parking lot will be reserved for our use. City representatives will welcome us with information packets and souvenir Route 66 pin. Arrangements have been made with Pontiac’s Tourism Department to provide us with special access to the Route 66 Hall of Fame exhibits & Museum and Pontiac-Oakland Automobile Museum.
Join the self-guided rally to historic Pontiac, IL
The automobile museum offers rotating exhibits to ensure a new and exciting experience each time you stop in. As the only Pontiac-Oakland Museum in the world, they display hundreds of pieces of memorabilia alongside the selection of cars. CBCF has made special arrangements for multiple private “behind the scenes” staff-guided tours of the Pontiac-Oakland Museum.
I’m sure that many of you have seen pictures of Pontiac’s Route 66 mural at the rear of the Route 66 museum, but are you aware two dozen other Wall Dog murals are scattered throughout Pontiac? Enjoy Pontiac’s walking tour of the murals as you shop and enjoy lunch in several downtown Pontiac restaurants. You’ll also want to be sure to save time for a selfie with your LBC in front of the iconic Route 66 mural!
Here’s your chance to take a LBC selfie at the iconic Route 66 mural.
Saturday Evening, June 3, 2023: Saturday evening’s banquet will feature this year’s Honorary Chairman and Guest Speaker, John Twist. John Twist is the MG guru behind Michigan’s University Motors who has helped countless people maintain, restore, and understand their MGs. He has run a successful shop, has an informative video series, and now is an international speaker. Twist was inducted into the British Sports Car Hall of Fame in 2017.
Sunday June 4, 2022: Early Riser? Join other Dawn Patrollers onSunday June 4 at the David Davis Mansion for some Pre-Show camaraderie. Our food vendor, Redbird Catering, will be on the grounds by 8:30am with a menu of biscuits & gravy, a breakfast sandwich, pastries, coffee and water.
The weekend culminates on Sunday June 4th, 2023 with the Champagne British Car Show on beautiful Clover Lawn of David Davis Mansion, Bloomington, IL. The David Davis Mansion provides a wonderful backdrop to display over 125 British cars. The festival includes music, vendors, food and beverage options, and tables and chairs to enjoy your meal and drinks.
John Twist’s famous Rolling Tech Sessions will be available during Sunday’s car show.
In keeping with the show’s recognition of 100 Years of MG, CBCF is hosting John Twist, nationally renowned MG mechanic and expert for a “Rolling Tech Session”. In addition to owning and operating University Motors LTD since 1975, John has been performing his famous rolling Tech Sessions at MG-related events throughout the country for decades. While John is an MG expert, this event is open to and appropriate for the owner of any British car as the mechanical systems are generally identical.
This year, Redbird Catering will be adding a British favorite, Fish & Chips, to their typical menu. Gramma Nanna’s will also be on hand with delicious cookies, ice cream, shakes and floats.
You can register electronically on our website using PayPal. There is a discount for early registrations so get your form submitted by May 28. We look forward to seeing you and your car at CBCF!
Please visit the CBCF website and Facebook pages for more about the Festival and weekend activities.
As with most car shows, the enthusiasts who volunteer their time and efforts have made the CBCF what it is today. The Champagne British Car Festival has become an annual event fo
Congratulations to ALL of our Award of Excellence winners at the 2022 Champagne British Car Festival Car Show on Sunday June 5, 2022. Your personalized award plate is being prepared and will be mailed to you as soon as we receive them.
THANKS to ALL of the participants in our show at the David Davis Mansion.
We had a fantastic day and hope you enjoyed it as much as the members of the Illinois Flat Land British Car Club (IFLBCC) members enjoyed hosting it.
At the Champagne British Car Festival’s Car Show Ken Shure with his 1959 TR3 was second overall in the Triumph Featured Marque, Dan and Connie Goodrum with their 1980 TR7 made the top 25 Award of Excellence awards.
SIX Austin Healey “Award of Excellence” Winners (one not pictured) at the 2022 Champagne British Car Festival’s Car Show.
We’ve created a Route 66-themed Poker Chip Run and Pop-up ALL British car show destination to showcase the restaurants and attractions on the Mother Road in our area. Over 40 British cars cruised down old Route 66 on Saturday June 4th, 2022 to our ultimate destination . . .Historic Atlanta, IL.
Enjoy this snapshot of the Champagne British Car Festival weekend including the Welcome Reception at The Station, the Ken Price auto collection, RT66 cruise-in to Atlanta, IL, Pub Night in the Courtyard and the CBCF car show at the David Davis Mansion.
Two of our RT66 Atlanta Cruise-in / Poker Chip Run winners The Top 3 participants were awarded Illinois RT66 scenic Highway collector plates and $25 gift certificates from Rock Auto.
Pre-registration for the Champagne British Car Festival (CBCF) 2022 ENDS on midnight, May 31st! It’s time to register and get the dates added to your car show bucket list!
This year the CBCF begins Friday June 3rd and concludes with the main attraction car show on the grounds of the David Davis Mansion, Bloomington, IL Sunday June 5th.
We expect another great showing of all marques and years, highlighted by Triumph, our 2022 featured marque.
The Courtyard Critters are getting excited to see the British car owners at Pub Night in The Courtyard .
Saturday’s English Pub Night will be in the DoubleTree’s open-air courtyard on June 4th. Catered hors d’oeuvres will be served throughout the evening as we present the CBCF Poker Run Awards and enjoy live music by Jim & Tommy (of The Bygones).
Cash bar available. Reserved British-Car Parking will be adjacent to the hotel’s Conference Center. #CBCFPubNight