Springfield Highland Games – FREE All-British Car Show – May 15, 2021

The IFLBCC has been contacted, through Alan Kleinschmidt, to attend this year’s Springfield Highland Games Car Show – Springfield Area Highland Games on May 15th . 

FREE attendance requires submitting the Car Show Application (Word) –  Participants MUST send the Show application before May ​5th, 2021.   Due to COVID restrictions only advanced tickets are allowed.

They would like to send out entry passes in advance to all who will be attending, in the hopes that all will go smoothly the day of the event. Entrants can respond either by email or snail mail, either works, just so long as they have the forms before May 1st so they have time to get passes printed and mailed out.​   

You can contact Stephanie McCann <mccanns@pm.me>​ by email with any questions you have about the event. ​​

Alan is planning a group drive to the car show and has added an event on the Club Facebook pagehttps://www.facebook.com/events/506114327061607    Please visit the event page to RSVP 

IFLBCC Event Drive:  (Google Maps DirectionsFor those leaving from Bloomington, Alan Klienschmidt will lead our drive on Sat. May 15th, from Casey’s on 2017 Fox Creek Rd, Bloomington, IL 61701.  Departure time will be 7:30 for an approximate arrival time of 9:15 at New Berlin, IL.   The drive avoids all interstate travel and skirts the North and West side of Springfield.  The route is approximately 83 miles, so we’ll need to leave Casey’s promptly at 7:30 

Event Link: Springfield Area Highland Games

Event/Drive Questions:  Contact Alan Kleinschmidt:    alankleinschmidt@yahoo.com

Event Questions: You can contact Stephanie McCann <mccanns@pm.me>​ by email with any questions you have about the event. ​​

Please note that the Car Show parking will be at Gate 3.  2021 Highland Games map.v.2.png
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Illinois Flat Land British Car Club

Join us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/IFLBCC/