The CBCF is only One Week AWAY! Pre-Registration Ends Midnight May 31st

Pre-registration for the Champagne British Car Festival (CBCF) 2022 ENDS on midnight, May 31st! It’s time to register and get the dates added to your car show bucket list!

This year the CBCF begins Friday June 3rd and concludes with the main attraction car show on the grounds of the David Davis Mansion, Bloomington, IL Sunday June 5th.

We expect another great showing of all marques and years, highlighted by Triumph, our 2022 featured marque.


Pub Night in the Courtyard – June 4th

The Courtyard Critters are getting excited to see the British 🇬🇧 car owners at Pub Night in The Courtyard 🎶🍻.

Saturday’s English Pub Night will be in the DoubleTree’s open-air courtyard on June 4th. Catered hors d’oeuvres will be served throughout the evening as we present the CBCF Poker Run Awards and enjoy live music by Jim & Tommy (of The Bygones).

Cash bar available. Reserved British-Car Parking will be adjacent to the hotel’s Conference Center. #CBCFPubNight

Pre-Registration REQUIRED! –

In The NEWS! The Illinois Flat Land British Car Club (IFLBCC) is in British Marque

Watch your mailbox or inbox for the June edition of the British Marque Car Club News.

The Illinois Flat Land British Car Club ( ) is now a Participating Member.

We’ll be doing a follow-up story on the CBCF in the July edition as well as some new stories on our event at the Highland Games and other event successes by our members.

Do YOU have a story to tell? Drop me a line at [email protected] and you may see your name in print!

Celebrate British Car Week at the Champagne British Car Festival June 5th

British Car Week is an annual awareness week intended for owners of Classic British Cars to get their cars out of the garage and drive them. While doing so, all who are involved will help create awareness of the classic British car hobby in local communities wherever there is participation.

Did you know the British Car Week culminates with the Champagne British Car Festival on June 5, 2022?

It doesn’t matter whether your car is in better than new condition, or perhaps it’s a less than perfect unrestored gem, we love them all! As long as it can be safely driven down the road, this is a great opportunity to show off your favorite car and take advantage of what British car motoring is all about.

Meanwhile, if you want to drive your car and need some ideas for places to go . . . Plan on joining us for the Atlanta, IL Cruise-in and Poker Chip Run on June 4th! Drives, pop-up street show, car collections and more!

British car events are always a lot of fun, and a great place to meet others who share the same enthusiasm for our beloved old British transportation of the past.

IT’S A DATE! 2022 CBCF Program Calendar

We want to thank ALL Illinois Flat Land British Car Club Sponsors for this year’s CBCF Program Calendar which will be included in our participant’s Welcome Bags.

The CBCF is one of David Davis Mansion’s largest events which directly translates into contributions to their efforts.

The Bloomington-Normal Area Convention and Visitors Bureau also recognizes the impact of our Festival and has offered their continued endorsement.

Please tell our Sponsors that you SAW their ad in the CBCF Program Calendar and appreciate their support of our hobby.

Finally, a HUGE THANKS to our IFLBCC member David Fitch for the design & production of this year’s Program Calendar