WHAT: Join us for the final IFLBCC Cruise-in and Picnic at the Sugar Grove Nature Center in Historic Funks Grove! The Sugar Grove Nature Center (SGNC) pavilion and firepit provide the perfect Fall setting for a safe and “socially distanced” gathering.

- The pavilion has lots of picnic tables and can be partially sheltered if necessary.
- SCNC provided privies are available nearby.
- Due to COVID, we will not be providing or sharing food items.
- Please bring whatever you would like to eat & drink, along with table service for yourselves.
- Weiner roasting sticks will be available for use at the FIRE PIT! (Tip: Bring camping chairs?)
From the SGNC website:
The Grounds, Trails, and Imagination Grove are open daily from dawn until dusk, as are the Picnic Shelter, Corn Crib, and Privies. Imagination Grove will not have nets, containers, or toys available for public use. You may bring your own, but please take them with you, along with any trash or other items that you have brought. We suggest you bring your own hand sanitizer and please practice social distancing.
WHERE: Sugar Grove Nature Center, 4532 N 725 East Road, McLean, IL 61754 – Directions

WHEN: Saturday, October 16th, 2021 from 2:00PM to 5:00PM
WHY: To enjoy some fall scenery, an afternoon lunch and some Natter ‘n Noggin around the fire with good friends.
BONUS: Weather permitting (and interest) a drive is being planned . . . . .so BRING THOSE BRITISH CARS!
RSVP: If you think you’re coming, please click GOING on the IFLBCC Halloween Weiner Roast event: https://fb.me/e/2Rtv3BK2T
Sugar Grove Nature Center: https://www.sugargrovenaturecenter.org/

Illinois Flat Land British Car Club
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