By Denny Elimon
My, Oh My, where do those summer driving days go? Just seems like they come and go more quickly each year.
With so many local car shows, monthly club meetings, local drives, and national events – the months seem to just fly past. So, which comes to mind for you this season? There may be more than one.
Many LBC owners have noticed that the backbone of all clubs is events. Owners participate in events to keep their cars on the road and to meet fellow enthusiasts.
Two events came to mind when reflecting on my past driving season, the GT 47 NAMGAR gathering in Colorado Springs and the IFLBCC annual Champagne British Car Festival (which I missed) due to overlapping dates.
A special shout out to all the volunteers who give of their time to organize and host our events. While events are the backbone of clubs, volunteers provide the “backbones” to host those gatherings.
The IFLBCC welcomes anyone wishing to join them to plan up-coming events. Feel free to contact them! Those great driving days for many have passed -but future opportunities are being planned for those waiting for Spring to arrive.
By Denny Elimon
Illinois Flatland British Car Club (IFLBCC)