All posts by iflbcc

3rd Annual IFLBCC Harvest Days Cruise-in & Picnic – Sugar Grove Nature Center (Funk’s Grove) – Sat. October 15th

WHAT: Join us for the IFLBCC Cruise-in and Picnic at the Sugar Grove Nature Center in Historic Funks Grove! The Sugar Grove Nature Center (SGNC) pavilion and firepit provide the perfect Fall setting for a safe and “socially distanced” gathering.  

  • The pavilion has lots of picnic tables and can be partially sheltered if necessary.
  • SCNC provided privies are available nearby. 
  • Please bring whatever you would like to eat & drink, along with table service for yourselves.
  • Weiner roasting sticks will be available for use at the FIRE PIT!  
  • Limited seating on the fire pit ring. (Tip: Bring camping chairs?)

From the SGNC website:

The Grounds, Trails, and Imagination Grove are open daily from dawn until dusk, as are the Picnic Shelter, Corn Crib, and Privies. Imagination Grove will not have nets, containers, or toys available for public use. You may bring your own, but please take them with you, along with any trash or other items that you have brought. We suggest you bring your own hand sanitizer and please practice social distancing.

WHEN: Saturday, October 15th, 2022 from 4:00PM to 7:00PMWHY: To enjoy some fall scenery, an afternoon lunch and some Natter ‘n Noggin around the fire with good friends.


RSVP: If you think you’re coming, please click GOING on the IFLBCC Halloween Weiner Roast event:
Sugar Grove Nature Center:

Harvest Days.jpg

Illinois Flat Land British Car Club

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EATS – Easily Amused Touring Society

By Brian Davis – Published in October Ed. British Marque Car Club News

I recently saw a meme that read “You only live once – Don’t leave it covered in the garage”.  That got me thinking about what motivates me and other Illinois Flat Land British Car Club members to get their cars out of the garage on a regular basis?

For me it was connecting with a small group of like-minded enthusiasts with its roots in Monday morning meetings at the local doughnut shop. That was about eight years ago and boy has it evolved!

The original gathering consisted of four retired guys that liked to eat, talk and drive an eclectic group of British cars.  I’m guessing that there are lots of clubs that have a similar group of members?  As our weekly meetings became a regular thing, we referred to the get-together as “Motoring Monday” and it soon became a much-anticipated part of our week.

EATS “Motoring Monday” – Show and Tell

The earliest Motoring Monday conversations included the typical tech. issues, tips and shared experiences.  It didn’t take long before we were planning our mid-week drives to local taverns and destinations.  That’s when EATS was born!

EATS . . .The Easily Amused Touring Society, combined not only our proclivity for eating but also our desire to get behind the wheel of our cars and go for a drive just for the love of it!  We were blessed with a member that was very familiar with many of our Central IL backroads, diners and dives.  We ALL still had “working wives” so we were on our own for lunch.  How fortuitous!

EATS originally had only four members but that changed over the years.  Some members moved away or had work/family conflicts and new folks just naturally took their place.  Each change in makeup added a new twist in the conversation and, of course, a change in the mix of vehicles and experiences.  One key component has remained the same – driving your British car, weather permitting.

Motoring Monday – MG TD Tech Session

In 2020, everything changed.  COVID was on everyone’s mind that March as restaurants and taverns began to shut down and health mandates (masks and social distancing) took hold. That was the end of Motoring Monday, right?  No way!

Where could we go that was open, had enough space for social distancing and served food?  How about our garages?  Motoring Monday evolved once again.  By then our group had grown to a regular group of six or seven and all of us had garages and each of us wanted to get into “Hosting” rotation.

COVID’s cloud had a silver lining!  Each Monday the host would be responsible for providing a garage, coffee and a variety of homemade and store-bought goodies.  

Another bright-spot to these new venues is that we were exposed to everyone’s garage, cars and projects.  Who knew that a pandemic could present us with such wonderful “Car-Themed” venues?   Soon a Motoring Monday Host List was created and everyone was anxious for their turn.

Around half of the EATS members live in suburban subdivisions or small towns in McLean Co. IL.  THAT gives us a two-fer.  We get to drive our cars for +/- 40 miles and visit an interesting car collection (garage). 

Motoring Monday – Diagnostics by our Team of Experts!

Other things have changed too.   We now spontaneously have:

  • “Show & Tell” – New tools, products, and event listings
  • Live Tech Sessions – The EATS Experts can help diagnose issues
  • Give Aways – Almost every host has some parts, tools, stuff to offer
  • Magazine Swap – British Marque News, Organization Magazines, etc.
  • Club Planning – EATS members are also “Active” IFLBCC members.

If you’re looking for a way to stay motivated and connected with the local British car community, consider starting small and see what develops.  I think you’ll be amazed at how much your LBC passion will grow.  

As I said at the beginning “You only live once – Don’t leave it covered in the garage”.

By Brian Davis

Co-Director, Illinois Flat Land British Car Club

A Special Shout Out to Volunteers

By Denny Elimon

My, Oh My, where do those summer driving days go? Just seems like they come and go more quickly each year.

With so many local car shows, monthly club meetings, local drives, and national events – the months seem to just fly past. So, which comes to mind for you this season? There may be more than one.

Many LBC owners have noticed that the backbone of all clubs is events.  Owners participate in events to keep their cars on the road and to meet fellow enthusiasts.

Two events came to mind when reflecting on my past driving season, the GT 47 NAMGAR gathering in Colorado Springs and the IFLBCC annual Champagne British Car Festival (which I missed) due to overlapping dates.

A special shout out to all the volunteers who give of their time to organize and host our events. While events are the backbone of clubs, volunteers provide the “backbones” to host those gatherings.

The IFLBCC welcomes anyone wishing to join them to plan up-coming events.  Feel free to contact them!  Those great driving days for many have passed -but future opportunities are being planned for those waiting for Spring to arrive.

By Denny Elimon

Illinois Flatland British Car Club (IFLBCC)

“A place in our garage forever” – British Marque Car Club News – Sept. 2022 ed.

“A place in our garage forever”

By Alan Kleinschmidt

Betty at Monarch Pass

I grew up in a small Midwestern town in Illinois during the Sixties. The typical cars around our town were your average Ford, Chevy or Chrysler, Plymouth, Dodge, with the occasional Rambler thrown into the mix for good measure. There just weren’t any “foreign” cars around other than a VW Bug every now and then.

I was drafted by the US Army in 1970 and eventually found myself in the jungles of South Viet Nam. After serving eight months of my twelve month tour, I left for a week of R&R in Hawaii. I rented a Ford Mustang to provide transportation but after a couple of days I decided I wanted a convertible. I went back to the rental agency and they informed me that the only convertible they had was an MG. I didn’t even know what an MG was!

The car I rented was an MG Midget and, WOW! It sure was small compared to that Mustang! I had so much fun with that car while in Hawaii. I cruised all the way around Oahu and all over Honolulu. This little car was so much more fun to drive than that Mustang! This LBC planted a seed that has grown in me over the years.

Upon arriving back in the States, after my Army tour was over, I found the first of several MG’s that would shape my life and feelings about cars. It was a 1970 MGB.

It wasn’t very fashionable to drive an MGB in those days because the era of “American Muscle” was in full swing. The MG’s little 1.8 litre engine was dwarfed by the Big Block engines from all the domestic manufacturers. Even the American Motors cars had a 390 cubic inch engine!

I had another MGB, MGA, and Nash Metropolitan before my life was forever changed by starting a family. Playing with cars was replaced by raising kids and family responsibilities out ranked everything.

28 years would pass before another MG would enter my life. It was 2008 and my wife called me at work one day and told me there was an MGB for sale in her employer’s newsletter. I called the seller and set up a time to go see the car.

Betty ” As Found”

It was a 1980 MGB LE tourer with 43,000 miles showing and had been sitting in his garage for 17 years. I asked him what the problem was and he said “it’s just not reliable!” He said “it’s almost like it just runs out of gas” and has to be towed home.

I bought the car on the spot and borrowed a trailer to pick it up the next day. After getting it home and changing oil, installing a new battery and airing up the tires I turned on the ignition rapped on the fuel pump with a screwdriver handle and heard a very satisfying ticking sound. “Black Betty” was on the road under her own power for the first time in 17 years.

Since that cool November day in 2008, “Betty” has traveled over 100,000 miles. She has visited 26 of these United States and been to Canada three times.

She has traveled the 105 miles of Skyline Drive through the Shenandoah National Park in Virginia and all 469 miles of the Blue Ridge Parkway.

She has wrestled with Route 129, “The Tail of the Dragon” in Tennessee on two different occasions.

She has run the entire length of Route 66 from Chicago to California.

She has done “hot laps” at Historic Road America and participated in a tour of the old road course into Elkhart Lake.

She has been at sea level in California all the way up to 13210 Ft at Monarch Pass in the Colorado Rockies.

This little car has motored through the Arizona desert at 106 degrees, visited the Grand Canyon and seen Monument Valley in Utah.

She has circumnavigated Lake Michigan, Lake Ontario and Lake Erie and in 2019 made a run around the North shore of Lake Superior before reentering the USA at Sault St Marie.

Betty at Lake Michigan

She sailed across Lake Michigan from Ludington Michigan to Manitowoc Wisconsin on the historic car ferry, SS Badger.

Covid has slowed things down, but our travels in “Betty” are far from over. This little car will have a place in our garage forever and as long as we can fold up and get in and out of her, we’re going to continue traveling in her. There is something very satisfying about driving an MG.

What a GREAT little car!

By Alan Kleinschmidt

Co-Director, Illinois Flat Land British Car Club

For Sale – 1980 MGB LE w/ OD – Asking $5,000

32 E Lexington Circle, Yorkville, IL 60560
630-670-8705 | [email protected]

This 1980 MGB LE was originally owned by a man who owned an MG
shop in Algonquin, IL. I purchased the car from his son’s estate in 2014. I
am a close personal friend of the family. Prior to me purchasing the car it
sat in a garage for several years. I was able to do some work to it, which I
will list below, and got it started in 2016. Since then, life has gotten in
the way, and I have not been able to show it the attention I would have
liked. I am looking to sell the car to an owner who would take good care
of her and get her back on the road. Please contact me via the contact
information on the bottom of page 1. I would be happy to answer any
questions I can.

32 E Lexington Circle, Yorkville, IL 60560
630-670-8705 | [email protected]

I will also be taking more pictures in the next week or so
that I can provide. Please note, I am currently in the process of moving
to Florida, but I will be able to facilitate any who would like to see the

Work I’ve done to the car:
• Dropped the fuel tank and had it professionally cleaned inside,
pressure tested and painted
• Replaced the rubber fuel lines and brake lines
• Rebuilt the carburetor and fuel pump
• Replaced the clutch master and slave cylinders
• Replaced the wheel cylinders and brake shoes
• Replaced as many of the rubber as I could (hoses, etc.)

Additional parts I have that will go with the car:
• Clutch pipe
• Brake drums
• Head gasket (bought as a “just in case”)

Things the car will still need:
• Motor mounts
• Suspension will need to be looked at
• The top has been folded since before I owned it, so I suspect it will
need to be replaced

How the classic road trip has changed – and stayed the same

by Brian Davis – Illinois Flat Land British Car Club

Reprinted from the August, 2022 issue of British Marque Car Club News

Are YOU planning a road trip this Summer?  As a retired baby boomer, I find myself taking more and more road trips through the Midwest and Southeast.  Along the way the old “Are we there yet?” question has been replaced by “Siri! When will we arrive in Dayton?   The AAA TripTik has disappeared in favor of Google Maps.  Best place to eat?  TripAdvisor.   The world has changed but memories and experiences of my family’s many road trips in the 5Os and 60s remain.

In my youth, ALL of my Iowa first cousins, aunts and uncles, and my mother’s parents still lived in a small northwestern Iowa farm town.  Every Summer we’d travel by station wagon from either the west or east coasts on primarily two-lane roads.  My sister and I would entertain ourselves by playing the Auto Bingo game with Dad calling out the state license plates or the make of the oncoming car or reading aloud the “See it ALIVE!” billboards that enticed us to stop in the middle of the desert for a look at the “Black Bees!”.

I admit that I enjoy the luxury of jumping in to my modern car knowing exactly where I am, when I’m going to get to my pre-booked motel and passing the time with a good audio book playing from my phone to a Bluetooth speaker.  But, OH those 50’s and 60’s road trips.

If you share similar memories and long for some of those old-fashioned experiences, here are a few of my favorite books that may rekindle some thoughts of your youth.

It Came with Oil – An adventure into the art of British car repair by Alan Cowan

This collection of true car-stories chronicles a young man’s adventures in auto-repair-shop antics, road-trips, and with those peculiar but loveable British cars.   Well written and a fun, every chapter is a separate, standalone story. It made me laugh and even caused me a few “been there, done that” flashbacks.

The Last Open Road by Burt Levy

Burt Levy’s first book about sports car racing in the US in the 1950s combines real people and events with fictional characters.  The Last Open Road is an entertaining account of a post high school young man finding his way in the world.  The main character Buddy, his girlfriend Julie Finzio and patron “Big Ed” elicit images that are very familiar to folks who were teen-agers during the wonderful 1950’s. It is almost as though I know the characters and can easily apply familiar names of real people in my past to them.

Don’t Make Me Pull Over! An Informal History of the Family Road Trip by Richard Ratay

This was a wonderful read! Our family took road trips across the US in the early 50s and 60s with four of us in an unairconditioned Chevy station wagon.  As a kid I loved stopping at roadside stands for a foot-long hot dog pumped full of red-dye no. 2 and a stale bun.  My only criteria for a good motel were that they had a swimming pool.   The book blends history and reality, introduces how Holiday Inn, Stuckey’s, Howard Johnson’s, and other roadside places came to be so popular, and is a great bit of nostalgia.  “Don’t Make Me Pull Over” is a fun and informative little book that is sure to resonate with readers who have memories of long trips in the family car.

Travels with Charley in Search of America by John Steinbeck

For a travel story written 60 years ago, it is remarkably like road trips in the US today. The story is compelling with a great partner: Charley, the delightful French poodle.  John Steinbeck’s intention in traveling with Charley in Rocinante, a bespoke camping truck named after Don Quixote’s horse, was two folds.  First, his innate wanderlust had grown bigger as his age advanced.  Second, Mr. Steinbeck wanted to see America as he had known it on a personal level and ascertain what could define the true American identity and character.  I actually “Read” this book as an audio-book while on a road trip.  That made it even more interesting as I was experiencing several mid-west backroads and Iowa towns while listing to Gary Sinise narrate the writings of the Great American Author, John Steinbeck.  

Blue Highways: A Journey into America by William Least Heat Moon

I’ve recently begun seeking out vintage gas stations and small-town murals as a reason to jump in to our classic Mini or Austin Healey Bugeye Sprite and go for a drive.  I’ll go miles out of my way, while on a trip, just to take a few pictures to post to Facebook on Fill’er Up Friday or Mini Mural Monday.   That’s probably why Blue Highways resonates with me.  Author, William Least Heat-Moon, set out with little more than the need to put home behind him and a sense of curiosity about “those little towns that get on the map”.  I loved Travels with Charley, but I loved this book a whole lot more.  He brings to life ‘the road less travelled’ and the people he meets along the way.

The Lincoln Highway: A Novel by Amor Towles

I have to admit that I was unfamiliar with the Lincoln Highway.  According to Wikipedia: “The Lincoln Highway is the first road for automobiles across the United States.”  Come to find out, much of the Lincoln Highway has been incorporated into what we now refer to as Interstate 80.    Set in June 1954 The Lincoln Highway follows brothers Emmett and Billy Watson who plan to leave their home in Nebraska, and travel along the Lincoln Highway, America’s first transcontinental highway, to San Francisco, where they hope to start a new life. While this is an interesting novel, I was expecting more of a “Blue Highways” style narrative of their travels west.  Spoiler Alert:  Their “planned Trip” takes a sharp detour!

High Performance: When Britain Ruled Road by Peter Grimsdale

I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book!  I first fell in love with Mini Coopers, owned an MG Midget and then a TR3 in the Late-60s.  With that foundation, I’ve had a continuous love and interest in the British automotive industry.  High Performance is written in an easily readable style, with 41 quite short chapters, each with their own complete little story.  The author delves into the reasons different events happened and why and gives fascinating insight into characters such as Colin Chapman, William Lyons, John Cooper, Paddy Hopkirk, Stirling Moss and so on.

Golden Milestone – 50 years of the AA by David Keir (Editor)

My final “Summer Reading” entry is only going to be found online in one of the Used Book outlets.   Golden Milestone is a readable, often amusing, but always fascinating story that David Keir tells of the first fifty years (1905-1955) of the British Automobile Association (AA).  The Golden Milestone takes the reader from a band of rebels to an organization almost as important as the Post Office.  The AA came into existence and set up an organization to patrol the roads, inspect and approve garages and hotels, offer free legal advice, elect signs, report weather conditions and to carry a torch for motoring 24-hours a day, seven days a week.  This vintage book is loaded with illustrations, cartoons and graphics

Congratulations to ALL of our Award of Excellence winners

Congratulations to ALL of our Award of Excellence winners at the 2022 Champagne British Car Festival Car Show on Sunday June 5, 2022. Your personalized award plate is being prepared and will be mailed to you as soon as we receive them.

THANKS to ALL of the participants in our show at the David Davis Mansion.

We had a fantastic day and hope you enjoyed it as much as the members of the Illinois Flat Land British Car Club (IFLBCC) members enjoyed hosting it.

At the Champagne British Car Festival’s Car Show Ken Shure with his 1959 TR3 was second overall in the Triumph Featured Marque, Dan and Connie Goodrum with their 1980 TR7 made the top 25 Award of Excellence awards.

SIX Austin Healey “Award of Excellence” Winners (one not pictured) at the 2022 Champagne British Car Festival’s Car Show.