As you may already know, the British Marque is published eleven times a year in a 40-page, tabloid newspaper format, in both Print and On-line Editions. They have subscribers and
correspondents from Ontario to Texas and from Maine to California, plus a number in the United Kingdom.
As a Participating Club, the Illinois Flat Land British Car Club has been contributing articles to be published in the Marque for the past year. Along with our articles, notifications of our events are added to the Marque’s monthly calendar in the paper and on their website. This gives our club national and international publicity, helping build
the events and our club at the same time. In December alone, the Marque website boasted over 26,500 unique visitors!
When we send them articles to print, our club is given a section in the paper highlighted by our club logo and masthead. The person contributing articles is credited in the
Marque as a “Contributing Editor”.
Contributed article are also published in the What’s New section of the IFLBCC website. Click HERE to see some of last year’s articles.
Would YOU like to HELP?
There’s no ongoing commitment necessary!
- Do you have a favorite event or car show story?
- Share your project car restoration process/progress?
- Memories of how you fell in love with British Cars?
- Tech Tips? How To article?
- Club related activities?
- Digital images, illustrating your story, are encouraged
When you’re ready . . . let me know at [email protected]